Usually one expects the inflaton field to be coupled to some gauge-cha
rged particles allowing for its decay during reheating. Such particles
then play the role of messengers for the gauge-mediated supersymmetry
breaking during and (shortly) after the inflation and radiatively ind
uce soft masses to all other D-flat directions. We show that during th
e preheating stage this gauge-mediated soft masses are typically much
greater than the Hubble parameter during inflation. The dramatic role
is played by the supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking due to the parametric r
esonance effect, which ensures that the inflaton predominantly decays
into the bosons and not the fermions. The difference in the Fermi-Bose
occupation numbers results in the large gauge-mediated soft masses, w
hich determine the post-inflationary evolution of the flat directions,
suggesting that non-thermal phase transitions mediated by gauge messe
ngers may play a crucial role in the Affleck-Dine mechanism for the ge
neration of the baryon asymmetry.