This paper presents guidelines for classification of ductile coupled s
hear walls (CSWs). It includes two parts: the evaluation of the degree
of coupling (DC) between the walls and the coupling beams, and the cl
assification of CSWs. In present practice, DC is defined as the percen
tage of the base overturning moment carried by the axial tension and c
ompression forces resulting from shears in the coupling beams. The eva
luation of DC requires a structural analysis of CSW, which presents se
rious shortcomings during the preliminary proportioning process. A sim
ple method is proposed in this paper for the evaluation of DC without
need for structural analyses. A classification method based on the dyn
amic properties of CSWs is also proposed. This allows the classificati
on of CSWs into one of the following three categories: a series of lin
ked isolated walls, CSWs, and walls with openings (pierced walls). Fin
ally, numerical examples demonstrate the applicability of the proposed
methods. This paper is thought to be very useful for the practicing e