Cytosolic Ca2+ signals are often organized in complex temporal and spa
tial patterns, even under conditions of sustained stimulation. In this
review we discuss the mechanisms and physiological significance of th
is behavior in nonexcitable cells, in which the primary mechanism of C
a2+ mobilization is through (1,4,5)IP3-dependent Ca2+ release from int
racellular stores. Oscillations of cytosolic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+](i)) are
a common form of temporal organization; in the spatial domain, these
[Ca2+](i) oscillations may take the form of [Ca2+](i) waves that propa
gate throughout the cell or they may be restricted to specific subcell
ular regions. These patterns of Ca2+ signaling result from the limited
range of cytoplasmic Ca2+ diffusion and the feedback regulation of th
e pathways responsible for Ca2+ mobilization. In addition, the spatial
organization of [Ca2+](i) changes appears to depend on the strategic
distribution of Ca2+ stores within the cell. One type of [Ca2+](i) osc
illation is baseline spiking, in which discrete [Ca2+](i) spikes occur
with a frequency, but not amplitude, that is determined by agonist do
se. Most current evidence favors a model in which baseline [Ca2+](i) s
piking results from the complex interplay between [Ca2+](i) and (1,4,5
)IP3 in regulating the gating of (1,4,5)IP3-sensitive intracellular Ca
2+ channels. Sinusoidal [Ca2+](i) oscillations represent a mechanistic
ally distinct type of temporal organization, in which agonist dose reg
ulates the amplitude but has no effect on oscillation frequency. Sinus
oidal [Ca2+](i) oscillations can be explained by a negative feedback e
ffect of protein kinase C on the generation of (1,4,5)IP3 at the level
of phospholipase C or its activating G-protein. The physiological sig
nificance of [Ca2+](i) oscillations and waves is becoming more establi
shed with the observation of this behavior in intact tissues and by th
e recognition of Ca2+-dependent processes that are adapted to respond
to frequency-modulated oscillatory [Ca2+](i) signals. In some cells, t
hese [Ca2+](i) signals are targeted to control processes in limited cy
toplasmic domains, and in other systems [Ca2+](i) waves can be propaga
ted through gap junctions to coordinate the function of multicellular