This paper discusses the development of a heuristic methodology to gen
erate salary merit increases and to schedule these salary actions alon
g a specified planning horizon. The heuristic approach consists of two
procedures, referred to as Heuristic Procedure 1 and Heuristic Proced
ure 2. For a group of executive personnel, Heuristic Procedure 1 yield
s salary increase percentages, in such a way that external consistency
is maximized without violating internal consistency conditions. Heuri
stic Procedure 2 establishes the time intervals between salary increas
es for each eligible employee. A comparison is performed, in terms of
computer execution time and optimality of solutions, between the heuri
stic methodology and a mathematical programming approach developed for
formulating salary administration guidelines. Computational results a
re reported for a number of sample problems. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevi
er Science Ltd