For the first time, design of a major new public building in Australia
has been subjected to Life-Cycle Assessment-with the aim of minimisin
g overall environmental impact of the development. Resource depletion,
emissions, and waste products were quantified from construction, use
and demolition of three alternative design options: a 'Base Case', wit
h little environmental innovation; the 'Offer', including existing, av
ailable reduced-impact technologies; and an 'Enhanced Environmental Ca
se', including 'cutting-edge' technologies, which are expected to beco
me available within the development programme. Results showed signific
ant reductions in energy and water consumption, greenhouse gas emissio
ns, and air and water pollution, for both the 'Offer' and 'Enhanced' c
ases. Greenhouse gas emissions from construction of the Stadium were a
lso shown to be of the same order of magnitude as those from its opera
tion. Copyright (C) 1996 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.