A. Estrada et R. Coatesestrada, TROPICAL RAIN-FOREST FRAGMENTATION AND WILD POPULATIONS OF PRIMATES AT LOS-TUXTLAS, MEXICO, International journal of primatology, 17(5), 1996, pp. 759-783
In view of the extensive destruction fragmentation, and conversion of
primate habitats to anthropogenic vegetation, information on Neotropic
al primate ability to use a landscape consisting of forest fragments a
nd agricultural habitats is necessary to understand the ecological fle
xibility of the species involved and it is of relevance to the design
of conservation scenarios at the landscape level. We censused howlers
and spider monkeys in 126 forest fragments and in 44 agricultural site
s at Los Tuxtlas, southern Veracruz, Mexico, and used the IDRISI Geogr
aphic Information System to assess the extent of primate habitat remai
ning. We conducted economic surveys to assess the productivity of seve
ral systems of land management, including cattle ranching. Seventy-fiv
e percent of native habitat has been lost at Los Tuxtlas, 20% remains
in the form of isolated fragments of vegetation, and only 5% consists
of contiguous rain forest at high elevations (>800 m). Howlers and spi
der monkeys were present in only 60 and 8% of the forest sites investi
gated, respectively, attesting to extensive local extinction. Populati
ons of both species are small and found in a fragmented and isolated c
ondition throughout the landscape A large number of howlers were detec
ted in artifactual habitats such as cacao, coffee and mixed (cacao and
coffee) plantations shaded by rain forest trees. Residual rain forest
vegetation along streams, rivers, and lakes facilitated the interfrag
ment and interhabitat movement of howlers. Economic surveys showed tha
t some of the agricultural habitats were more productive than cattle r
anching. Conservation of spider monkeys requires large areas of contig
uous forest, but only small areas are present at high elevations. Howl
ers are restricted to elevations <800 m, where most of the forest has
disappeared, but can apparently exist in a matrix of forest fragments
arboreal agricultural habitats, and pasture lands. Structural aspects
of the vegetation and connectivity among habitat islands may be indisp
ensable components of both landscape scenarios.