Near infrared analysis,vas used to predict the starch, moisture, and s
ugar content in sliced fresh sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam,] s
torage roots, Samples were collected in each of three growing years, T
he best calibration equation for starch from combined samples (1989 to
1991) showed a multiple correlation coefficient (R) of 0.949, a stand
ard error of calibration (sec) of 2.01, and a standard error of predic
tion (SEP) Of 1.91, The R, sec, and SEP for moisture and sugar were 0.
930, 1.85, end 2.00, and 0.837, 1.30, and 1.21, respectively, Calibrat
ions based on samples from a given year adequately predicted the varia
bles but could not account for variances introduced by samples from ot
her years, Multiyear calibrations based on several years of data adequ
ately predicted starch and moisture content in root slices, Thus, mult
iyear calibrations with annual bias adjustments can be applied to scre
ening sweetpotato breeding germplasm for these two variables.