The path to technological innovation is made up of a number of identif
iable macro and micro level discriminators. The macro level includes:
(1) the technological prerequisites; (2) the country's sociocultural t
endencies; and (3) the country's material, human, and institutional in
frastructures. At the micro level the filters include: (4) the structu
re of the particular industry; (5) the size and nature of the individu
al firm; (6) the attitudes of the management of the firm; and (7) the
establishment of standards for the widespread diffusion of the innovat
ion. The absence of one or more of these seven sequential steps dimini
shes the likelihood that innovation will occur. This article examines
the macrocosm of innovation and the screening process while presenting
two propositions that suggest how to enhance an invention's progressi
on through the innovation funnel. (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Inc.