Jb. Sedaitis, WAKING THE SLEEPING GIANTS - COMMERCIALIZING STATE RESEARCH-AND-DEVELOPMENT IN THE UNITED-STATES AND RUSSIA, Technological forecasting & social change, 53(3), 1996, pp. 293-308
Survey data from 100 military R&D organizations in the Moscow area are
used to compare the efficacy for Russia of the main organizational to
ols used by U.S. federal labs to encourage the transfer of military re
search to civilian product development. Structural isolation of the mi
litary in both systems has led to a critical gap between commercializi
ng defense technologists and the new markets they hope to enter. This
research Ends that, in Russia as in the United States, reliance on int
er-organizational ties and the creation of spin-offs are associated wi
th more active methods of pursuing technology transfer. (C) 1996 Elsev
ier Science Inc.