There is in the disintegration of society's social fabric a threat to
democracy As associations and civic bodies that serve as intermediarie
s between citizens and government diminish, individuals find themselve
s isolated and exposed. Into this vacuum moves a top-heavy administrat
ive state or, possibly more relevant today, an undiluted, market-drive
n consumerism. Aiding this disintegration are two trends: a move towar
d juridical politics and a move toward an electronic plebiscitary demo
cracy. The former emphasizes the adversarial nature of politics at the
expense of deliberation. The latter reduces voters to angry instrumen
ts articulating the unadorned people's will. Compounding these trends
is Americans' desire to have community without authority. To forestall
this decline, we must accept the discipline and commitment to others
necessary to sustain the community institutions that uphold democratic