We report on a strikingly frequent referral of former preterm babies w
ith respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection and subsequent ARDS in
our hospital during the winter 1994/95 with regard to the clinical co
urse under application of alternative treatment modalities. Treatment
modalities like inhalational ribavirin, use of bronchodilators and ins
tillation of surfactant had been tried without success. All children (
age: 1-43 months) were ventilated for 6.6 (1-17) days with FiO(2) = 1.
0 and a mean airway pressure of 16.4 (10-24) cm H2O. Mean arterial blo
od gases were 49 (paO(2)) and 41 (pCO(2)) mmHg, the OI was 33.4. By in
halational NO in combination with IPPV or HFOV 4 patients could be sta
bilized, in the other 6 ECMO became necessary. Two of them died in spi
te of several weeks on ECMO; 8 children survived and could be discharg
ed home after a mean hospital stay of 3 months. Even in very severe ca
ses of RSV infection treatment modalities like NO, HFOV and ECMO can b
e used successfully. The use of these treatment modalities must be con
sidered before the lung damage is irreversible; in those cases a pre-e
xisting BPD is no contraindication even for extracorporeal lung suppor