Clinical and experimental studies have shown that serum aluminum (Al)
is bound to transferrin and that cellular uptake of Al appears to be m
ediated by transferrin receptors. Based on these findings it is widely
believed that intestinal Al absorption occurs via iron-specific, tran
sferrin-dependent pathways and that iron (Fe) deficiency increases the
intestinal absorption of Al. However, since no transferrin receptors
are expressed on the absorptive surface of small intestinal epithelial
cells this notion is doubtful. To further clarify the issue the prese
nt study investigated the effect of marked alterations of body Fe stor
es on the intestinal absorption of Al using three different rat models
. (I) Serum Al concentrations and urinary excretion rates of Al were m
easured in iron-overloaded (Fe+) or iron-deficient (Fe-) rats with eit
her normal (C) or impaired (5/6 nephrectomy) renal function (Nx) emplo
ying oral Al loads in single dose studies. (II) Tissue Al accumulation
as well as serum and urine Al were determined in respective experimen
tal groups exposed to a prolonged (41 days) dietary Al load. (III) To
assess the effect of Fe status on the intestinal absorption of Al dire
ctly at the organ level perfusions of in situ rat gut preparations wer
e performed. In the single dose studies administration of Al resulted
in similar urinary excretion rates of Al in intact kidney groups (C+Fe
-, 229 +/- 85 nmol/5 days; C+Fe+, 240 +/- 59 nmol/5 day;) despite mark
ed differences in liver Fe (C+Fe-, 1.34 +/- 0.16 vs. C+Fe+, 55.69 +/-
13.20 mu mol/g) and duodenal mucosal Fe (C+Fe-, 0.68 +/- 0.11 vs. C+Fe
+, 3.17 +/- 0.82 mu mol/g). In addition, mucosal Al concentration 24 h
ours after the load was not affected by the Fe status (C+Fe-, 37 +/- 1
6 nmol/g, C+Fe+, 56 +/- 19 nmol/g). Regardless of the Fe status post-l
oad AI excretion was enhanced in Nx rats (Nx+Fe-, 533 +/- 234 nmol/fiv
e days, Nx+Fe+, 536 +/- 201 nmol/five days). Irrespective of Fe status
a prolonged dietary Al load resulted in a similar increase in tissue
Al concentration (nmol/g) in liver (baseline, 159 +/- 22; C+Fe-, 276 /- 125; C+Fe+, 251 +/- 71; Nx+Fe-, 330 +/- 119; Nx+Fe+, 437 +/- 67) an
d in bone (baseline, 219 +/- 119; C+Fe-, 433 +/- 174, C+Fe+, 485 +/- 1
41; Nx+Fe-, 504 +/- 185; Nx+Fe+, 548 +/- 215). The increase in spleen
Al was significantly larger in Fe-overloaded rats (baseline, 194 +/- 2
0; C+Fe+, 511 +/- 129 vs. C+Fe-, 308 +/- 62, P < 0.05; Nx+Fe+, 514 +/-
67 vs. Nx+Fe-, 389 +/- 119, P < 0.05). Brain Al tended to rise in Nx
rats only (baseline, 96 +/- 33; Nx+Fe+, 174 +/- 100, Nx+Fe-, 156 +/- 7
8, P = NS). Analogous results were obtained in in situ intestinal perf
usion studies: Fe deficiency and Fe overload both did not affect the t
ime-dependent increase in serum Al in either systemic or portal vein b
lood. When paracellular intestinal permeability was assessed mannitol
absorption was significantly higher in uremic animals as compared to c
ontrols. Pharmacological blockade (2 mM kinetin) of the paracellular p
ermeability substantially reduced the time-dependent increase in serum
Al in uremic rats but had little effect in control animals, suggestin
g that even the excess absorption of Al observed in uremia occurs via
a paracellular rather than an iron-specific pathway. In conclusion, th
e findings of the present study provide several lines of evidence agai
nst the commonly accepted view that the intestinal absorption of Al oc
curs via iron-specific pathways. Most likely, this is related to the f
act, that neither the absorption of Fe nor the absorption of Al are me
diated via transferrin receptors. In addition, the enhanced intestinal
absorption of Al observed in uremic rats does also not occur via iron
-specific pathways, but seems to be due to increased paracellular perm
eability of the intestine.