The catalytic portion (F-1) of ATP synthases have the subunit composit
ion alpha(3), beta(3), gamma, delta, epsilon. This composition imparts
structural asymmetry to the entire complex that results in difference
s in nucleotide binding affinity among the six binding sites, Evidence
that two or more sites participate in catalysis, alternating their pr
operties, led to the notion that the interactions of individual alpha
beta pairs with the small subunits must change as binding site propert
ies alternate. A rotation of the gamma subunit within the alpha(3) bet
a(3) hexamer has been proposed as a means of alternating the propertie
s of catalytic sites. Evidence argues that the rotation of the complet
e gamma subunit during ATP hydrolysis is not mandatory for activity. T
he gamma subunit of chloroplast F-1 may be cleaved into three large fr
agments that remain bound to F-1. This cleavage enhances ATPase activi
ty without loss of evidence of site-site interactions. Complexes of al
pha(3) beta(3) have been shown to have significant ATPase activity in
the absence of gamma. Mg(2+)ATP affects the interaction of gamma with
the different beta subunits, and induces other changes in F-1, but whe
ther these changes are induced by catalysis, or are fast enough to be
involved in the catalytic turnover of the enzyme has not been establis
hed. Likewise, changes in structure and in binding site properties ind
uced in thylakoid membrane bound CF1 by formation of an electrochemica
l proton gradient may activate the enzyme rather than be apart of cata
lysis, Mechanisms other than rotary catalysis should be considered.