Reproduction capacitance signal of a ferroelectric-semiconductor disk
memory was studied by numerical simulation under an extremely high-den
sity recording condition. Information is recorded by controlling the d
irection of the ferroelectric polarization which induces the change of
depletion-capacitance of the semiconductor substrate. When the spatia
l wavelength is less than 1 mu m, depletion regions connect with each
other, which is called the ''punch-through'' effect. It has been consi
dered that the depletion-capacitance modulation disappears in the ''pu
nch-through'' state. The present numerical simulation, however, sugges
ted that for the ferroelectric-semiconductor structure, the modulation
signal of depletion-capacitance does not disappear even in the ''punc
h-through'' state, because there exist island accumulation regions at
the semiconductor surface due to the ferroelectric polarization of dom
ains with opposite direction. This result is consistent with previous
experimental results. it is suggested that the ferroelectric-semicondu
ctor disk memory has a potential for higher density recording than sil
icon nitride-silicon disk memories.