The creep resistance of several single crystal oxides is evaluated on
the basis of creep data from different sources using a Larson-Miller (
L-M) method. The possible creep mechanisms involved in high temperatur
e creep deformation of single crystal oxides are discussed by comparin
g the collected creep data with theoretical creep models. The high tem
perature creep of single crystal oxides is generally considered as a d
iffusion-controlled process: dislocation climb controlled by the latti
ce diffusion of the slowest moving species (power law) at moderately h
igh stresses, Harper-Dorn creep at low stresses, and power law breakdo
wn at high stresses. The relative comparison of the creep data from di
fferent sources using the L-M method and the general analysis about th
e high temperature creep behaviour indicate that single crystal oxides
with a precise stoichiometric composition, complex crystal structure
and selected orientation such as [111] oriented YAG (Y3Al5O12), c-axis
Al2O3, [110] oriented MgAl2O4 are potential candidates as reinforceme
nts for very high temperature structural applications.