To elucidate the possible connection between blood flow and localized
pathogenesis and tile development of atherosclerosis in humans, we stu
died the flow patterns and the distribution of fluid axial velocity an
d wall shear stress in the aortic arch in detail, This was done by mea
ns of flow visualization and highspeed cinemicrographic techniques, us
ing transparent aortic tries prepared from the dog, Under a steady flo
w condition at inflow Reynolds numbers of 700-1600, which simulated ph
ysiologic conditions at early- to mid-systole, slow, spiral secondary,
and recirculation flows formed along the left anterior wall of the ao
rtic arch and at the entrance of each side branch adjacent to the vess
el wail opposite the flow divider, respectively. The flow in the aorti
c arch consisted of three major components, namely, an undisturbed par
allel now located close to the common median plane of the arched aorta
and its side branches, a clockwise rotational now formed along the le
ft ventral wall, and the main flow to the side branches, located along
the right dorsal wall of the ascending aorta, Thus, looking down the
aorta from its origin, the flow in the aortic arch appeared as a singl
e helical flow revolving in a clockwise direction, Regions of low wall
shear stress were located along the leading edge of each side branch
opposite the flow divider where slow recirculation flows formed, and a
long the left ventral wall where slow spiral secondary flows formed. I
f we assume that the flow patterns in the human aortic arch well resem
ble those observed in the dog, then it is likely that atherosclerotic
lesions develop preferentially at these sites of low wall shear stress
in the same manner as in human coronary and cerebral arteries.