Hafnian zircon generally is found in granitic pegmatite, but much more
rarely in granite. Here, we describe an occurrence in the apical part
of the Suzhou granite (unit II); in China. We distinguish three evolv
ed facies: from the apical region downward, these are the albite-enric
hed, the topaz-bearing, and the biotite-bearing facies, which are char
acterized by significant enrichment in Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, Th and the rare
earths. In the biotite-bearing facies, the zircon contains less than
10 wt.% HfO2. Levels of HfO2 greater than 25%, and even attaining 35%,
characterize the hafnian zircon in the albite-enriched facies. This d
egree of enrichment is the greatest known so far in hafnian zircon. Th
e level of Hf in zircon of the topaz-bearing facies is intermediate. T
he striking decrease in Zr/Hf with increasing degree of evolution of g
ranite reflects an important decoupling in these two elements. The Suz
hou granite thus displays a pegmatitic character. Where the zircon is
associated with niobo-tantalates, we document a close correlation betw
een Hf/(Hf + Zr) in the zircon and Ta/(Nb + Ta) in the niobo-tantatate
s; this affinity between Hf and Ta seems more dependent on geochemical
than crystal-chemical factors.