Neurotransmission depends on the availability of transmitter and on th
e presence of functional, high-affinity receptors at the plasma membra
ne that are capable of binding ligand. The pathway, mechanism and func
tion of endocytosis and recycling of the substance P or neurokinin 1 r
eceptor in enteric neurons were studied using fluorescent substance P,
receptor antibodies and confocal microscopy. In both the soma and neu
rites, substance P induced rapid, clathrin-mediated internalization of
the neurokinin 1 receptor into early endosomes, which also contained
the transferrin receptor. After 4-8 h, there was a return in surface n
eurokinin 1 receptor immunoreactivity in the soma, which was not preve
nted by cycloheximide, and was thus independent of new protein synthes
is. This return was prevented by acidotropic agents, and therefore req
uired endosomal acidification. This suggests that the neurokinin 1 rec
eptor recycles in the soma. In contrast, in neurites, substance P and
the neurokinin 1 receptor remained in endosomes and recycling was not
detected. Neurons of the myenteric plexus were heavily innervated by s
ubstance P-containing nerve fibers, and K+-stimulated release of endog
enous substance P from cultured neurons induced internalization of the
neurokinin 1-receptor. Therefore, endogenous substance P may induce e
ndocytosis of the neurokinin 1 receptor. In the soma, endocytosis and
recycling correlated with loss and recovery of functional binding site
s for substance P, suggesting that this process contributes to the reg
ulation of peptidergic neurotransmission. Thus, ligand-induced endocyt
osis of the neurokinin 1 receptor in myenteric neurons is associated w
ith a loss of surface receptors and functional binding sites. Since re
lease of endogenous substance P induces neurokinin 1 receptor internal
ization, and neurokinin 1 receptor neurons are innervated by substance
P-containing fibers, endocytosis of neuropeptide receptors may regula
te neurotransmission. Copyright (C) 1996 IBRO. Published by Elsevier S
cience Ltd.