In the neonatal lung, hyperoxic exposure is associated with induction
of various genes and critical antioxidants. Heme oxygenase, specifical
ly the HO-1 isoenzyme, is regulated in oxidant stress and may also ser
ve to Limit oxidative damage. However, it is not known whether neonata
l lung HO-1 is regulated in hyper oxia specifically and, if so, what t
ype of regulation occurs. Therefore, we attempted to answer these ques
tions using newly born (<12 h) Wistar rats exposed to hyperoxia for 3
d. Neonatal rat lungs were evaluated daily for total HO activity, immu
noreactive HO-1 protein, and steady state levels of HO-1 mRNA and comp
ared with air-exposed controls. In neonatal rats, we noted an increase
d lung HO activity after 3 d of hyperoxic exposure. Additionally, eval
uation of HO activity after immunoprecipitation of HO-1 protein sugges
ted that HO-1 contributed most of the increase in lung total HO activi
ty observed in hyperoxia. Nonetheless, we did not see a significant di
fference in immunoreactive HO-1 protein in neonatal lungs after 3 d of
hyperoxic exposure, although we did so on d 2. Also, in contrast with
previous reports, we did not detect any significant differences in st
eady state levels of HO-1 mRNA on any day of hyperoxic exposure compar
ed with air. We therefore conclude that neonatal rat lung HO-1 is regu
lated in hyperoxia and speculate that the regulation of neonatal lung
HO-1 occurs by posttranscriptional mechanisms, at least within the fir
st days of hyperoxic exposure.