AMPA receptors (AMPARs) are not thought to be involved in the inductio
n of long-term potentiation (LTP), but may be involved in its expressi
on via second messenger pathways. However, one subunit of the AMPARs,
GluR2, is also known to control Ca2+ influx. To test whether GluR2 pla
ys any role in the induction of LTP, we generated mice that lacked thi
s subunit. In GluR2 mutants, LTP in the CA1 region of hippocampal slic
es was markedly enhanced (2-fold) and nonsaturating, whereas neuronal
excitability and paired-pulse facilitation were normal. The 9-fold inc
rease in Ca2+ permeability, in response to kainate application, sugges
ts one possible mechanism for enhanced LTP. Mutant mice exhibited incr
eased mortality, and those surviving showed reduced exploration and im
paired motor coordination. These results suggest an important role for
GluR2 in regulating synaptic plasticity and behavior.