Cathepsin D (cath-D) is an aspartyl lysosomal protease expressed in al
l tissues. Most metastatic breast cancer cell lines, unlike normal cel
ls, secrete high levels of pro-cath-D. This abnormal secretion is due
to both overexpression of the cath-D gene and to an altered processing
of the precursor protein. Cath-D gene transcription is increased by e
strogen and growth factors in estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer
cells and by an unknown mechanism in estrogen-receptor-negative cells
. A large number of independent clinical studies associated high cath-
D concentrations in the cytosol of primary breast cancers with increas
ed risk of subsequent metastasis. The amino acid sequence of cath-D an
alyzed in two breast cancer cell lines is normal, but glycosylation ap
pears to be different with more acidic isoforms. To assess the potenti
al role of this protease in cancer metastasis, we transfected a human
cDNA cath-D expression vector in 3Y1-Ad12 embryonic rat tumorigenic ce
lls which did not secrete the proenzyme. A moderate overexpression of
human cath-D was sufficient to increase the metastatic potential of th
ese cells in nude mice. Tile mechanism of cath-D-induced metastasis se
ems to require maturation of the proenzyme, in endosomes and in large
acidic compartments identified as phagosomes. Rather than increase can
cer cell escape from the primary tumor through basement membrane degra
dation as proposed for neutral proteinases, cath-D appears to facilita
te cell growth at distant sites. The mechanism of this indirect mitoge
nic effect is discussed from results obtained in different models. Dif
ferent cath-D substrates (growth inhibitors, precursors of growth fact
ors, etc.) are proposed to mediate this activity.