The molecular recognition and attachment of the CD4 molecule and the H
IV envelope glycoprotein (gp120) might be described as a consecutive t
hree-step molecular recognition process. (a) Long range interaction: e
lectrostatic pre-orientation, (b) short range interaction: electronic
attachment followed by a 'Locking-in' (via aromatic ring orientation)
and (c) internal interaction (induced fit): conformational readjustmen
t of the protein molecules. On the basis of the preliminary investigat
ions (X-ray structures of CD4 and biological studies of CD4 and gp120
point mutants) we described a computational model. This approach consi
sts of empirical calculations as well as ab initio level of quantum ch
emistry. The conformational analysis of the wild type and mutant CD4 m
olecules was supported by molecular mechanics and dynamics (Amber forc
e field). The latter analysis involves the application of a novel meth
od, the Amino Acid Conformation Assignment of Proteins (ACAP) software
, developed for the notation of secondary protein structures. Accordin
g to the cardinal role of the electrostatic factors during this intera
ction, several ab initio investigations were performed for better unde
rstanding of the recognition process on submolecular level. Using the
above mentioned computational model, we could interpret the basic beha
viours and predict some additional features of CD4-gp120 interaction,
in spite of the missing gp120 X-ray structure.