In the assessment of the economic effects of climate change, changes i
n returns and costs have to be taken into consideration. Changes in re
turns are mainly caused by changes in the yield level. Costs are deter
mined by various factors. Harvesting conditions may improve as the tem
peratures are higher. However, an increasing need for disease and pest
control results in higher costs. Various extensive studies have indic
ated that rising temperatures with the CO2 fertilizing effect increase
the crop potential in Finland. From the economic point of view an inc
rease in yield level is highly significant, because the increase in co
sts remains quite small. A 10% increase in the yield level raises the
farm income by about 6%. Because agriculture is supported in many ways
either directly or indirectly, the rise in income level may be offset
by lowering the support. Consequently, farmers may not benefit from a
n increase in the yield level, but the benefit will go to the state ec
onomy. However, an increase in the yield level resulting from rising t
emperatures is advantageous to the national economy, regardless of whe
ther the benefit goes to the farmers or to the state.