Osteomyelitis of the frontal bone may be associated with a purulent co
llection under the periosteum, causing swelling and edema over the for
ehead, a condition known as Pott's puffy tumor. We describe an 83-year
-old man with a Pott's puffy tumor due to Haemophilus influenzae that
was successfully treated with surgery and antibiotics, A review of 22
cases of Pott's puffy tumor shows that this condition usually occurs i
n children, is spread from frontal or ethmoid sinusitis, and is usuall
y due to streptococci, staphylococci, or anaerobes. Suppurative compli
cations such as epidural, subdural, and intracerebral abscesses are co
mmon. Only seven cases of Pott's puffy tumor in adults have been repor
ted, and only one of these cases was caused by H. influenzae. Surgical
drainage and antibiotic therapy remain standard therapy for this cond