Age exerts a major influence on the nutritional needs for bone health.
Age influences the nutrient requirements for bone health by influenci
ng: the growth and development of bone; the deposition of minerals lea
ding to peak bone mass; the rate of bone loss; the levels of hormones
which influence bone; the absorption and retention of nutrients requir
ed for optimal bone health, physical activity, food intake, and the le
vel of sun exposure. Adequate calcium intake benefits bones at any age
. However, dietary calcium needs vary at different ages. In June 1994,
a National Institutes of Health expert panel recommended higher calci
um intakes than current Recommended Dietary Allowance for several age
groups. Many population groups in the United States, including young g
irls and women, continue to consume significantly less calcium than cu
rrent recommended levels. In addition, diets low in calcium are often
low in many other essential nutrients important for good bone health,
including vitamin D, vitamin B-6, and magnesium. Dietary recommendatio
ns for bone health should be placed in the full context of the total d
iet rather than a singular emphasis on calcium. To truly benefit consu
mers, dietary recommendations for bone health should emphasize consump
tion of foods high in calcium as part of a healthy diet and a healthy