In this review paper, three aspects related to alteration in capillary
permeability, based on a series of recent observations from this labo
ratory, are examined. Firstly, the determinants of capillary extravasa
tion, which include pre- and post-capillary resistances in different m
icrocirculation networks, as well as endothelial permeability per se,
are described with particular reference to the heterogeneous character
of both regulatory components, reported by this and other groups. Sec
ondly, the endothelium-interstitium relationship, responsible in part
for the maintenance of the interstitial compartment physicochemical ch
aracteristics, is introduced as an important factor in regulating the
traffic of vital nutrients delivered to the cell mass, and the removal
of waste products from the cellular compartment to the microcirculati
on, for ultimate excretion. Examined in this manner, it appears that m
odulation of capillary permeability is essential for the maintenance o
f cellular life, yet the neurohumoral mechanisms involved in the contr
ol of microcirculation networks are just starting to be identified. A
number of morbid conditions characterized by multiorgan involvement ex
hibit a common pathophysiological denominator which involves endotheli
um-interstitium relationships, as illustrated in experimental animal m
odels of arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart failure, and
degenerative renal diseases. Enhanced capillary permeability associate
d with local interstitial edema in specific organs, such as the heart
and the kidney, in arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus, as wel
l as decreased permeability in peripheral tissues, such as the skeleta
l muscle and the skin, in congenital cardiomyopathy, have been documen
ted. It is likely that alteration in the characteristics of interstiti
al matrix composition contributes to target organ damage in these exam
ples of systemic disorders from different etiologies. Thirdly, the rec
ent identification of autocoids and hormones involved in the direct an
d indirect control of capillary permeability has led to the developmen
t of pharmacological tools capable of modulating pre- and post-capilla
ry vascular tonus, as well as endothelial permeability. Angiotensin II
antagonism, bradykinin B-1-receptor inhibition, and modulation of eic
osanoid production, in particular thromboxane A,, are associated in so
me of the above-described disorders, with normalization of capillary p
ermeability defects, and occasionally with improvement in organ functi
on. The eventual development of agents capable of directly controlling
the physicochemical characteristics of the interstitial matrix should
be of interest, not only for preventing the development of irreversib
le matrix structural alterations but also for facilitating the traffic
of metabolites between capillaries and the cell mass of vital organs.