Evanescent wave excitation of fluorescence was used to study the adsor
ption of Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) from aqueous solution to three types of surfac
es: bare silica, a dimethylethylsiloxane (C-2) monolayer on silica, an
d a dimethyloctadecylsiloxane (C-18) monolayer on silica, The solution
pH was varied to investigate the nonpolar and electrostatic contribut
ions to the free energy of adsorption for each surface. The pH depende
nce of the adsorption showed that the pK(a), is the same for each of t
he three surfaces, consistent with earlier conclusions that the acidit
y of derivatized silica surfaces is due to areas of exposed silica. Th
e free energies of adsorption for the bare silica surface, -26,2(+/-0.
2) kJ/mol at pH 8, was attributed to electrostatic interactions alone,
The free energy of adsorption for the C-2 and C(1)8 surfaces, -28.5(/-0.1) and -31.5(+/-0.1) kJ/mol, respectively were found to have both
electrostatic and nonpolar contributions, with the latter being larger
by 50% for the C-2 surface and 100% for the C-18 surface, Using Gouy-
Chapman theory, the surface charge densities on each of the three surf
aces, calculated from the electrostatic interaction energy of Ru(bpy)(
3)(2+), were found to be within the range of literature values: 8.8-(/-0.1) x 10(-7) mol/m(2) for bare silica and 1.7(+/-0.1) x 10(-7) mol/
m(2) for both the C-18 and C-2 surfaces. The results demonstrate that
a cationic dye can be used to probe the silanol activity of chemically
modified silica surfaces, The results support the picture that these
chemically modified silica surfaces are acidic due to molecular-scale
areas of contact between the bare silica substrate and the aqueous pha