Previous studies have shown that in Marchantia, black pine, and the va
st majority of angiosperms examined to date, the chloroplast gene rpoC
1 is interrupted by an intron (of about 750 base Fairs), but that in t
he grasses and one of three subfamilies of cacti (Cactoideae) this int
ron has been lost. DNA's of the complete rpoC1 intron region and porti
ons of the flanking exon regions from 107 species (representing 54 fam
ilies) of angiosperms were amplified with the polymerase chain reactio
n (PCR) in order to uncover other instances of intron loss. In additio
n to grass and Cactoideae chloroplast DNA's, we report that the rpoC1
intron is missing from the chloroplast genomes of Scaeoola and Goodeni
a (the only two representatives of Goodeniaceae examined), four of ten
species of Passiflora (Passifloraceae), two of four genera of Aizoace
ae (Delosperma and Faucaria but not Monilaria or Tetragonia), and one
of the eight taxa of Medicago examined (M. suffruticosa subsp. leiocar
pa; Fabaceae). Mirroring other instances of intron loss from the chlor
oplast genome, sequence analysis reveals that, for these bra, the rpoC
1 gene has undergone a precise deletion of the intron. For those taxa
with the intron, minimal size variation is apparent within the region
and, in all taxa investigated, the intron lies in precisely the same p
osition in the gene. Parsimony analyses of partial exon and intron rpo
C1 nucleotide sequences reveal that the latter, owing to considerable
conservation of secondary structure in that region of the intron seque
nced, can supply useful characters for phylogenetic analysis at high t
axonomic levels.