A retrospective study on 159 cesareans on dairy cows referred between
1985 and 1989 to the veterinary teaching hospital is reported. The obj
ective of the study was to evaluate the probability and the factors as
sociated with survival and subsequent calving. The risk of dying for t
he cows was 24% following surgery. The risk of dying differed if the c
ow had an emphysematous, dead, or live calf; it was 63%, 21%, and 14%,
respectively. Of all the cows returned to the farm and for which ther
e was a breeding recorded, 64% calved again. But only 28% of all the c
ows returned home and, therefore, only 17% of all the referred cases c
alved again. We used multivariate analysis to obtain a predictive mode
l on prognosis following surgery. The prognosis was only influenced by
the calf condition at admission.