The western equatorial Pacific is a crossroads for thermocline and int
ermediate waters formed at higher latitudes. The role of the equatorwa
rd flowing, low-latitude western boundary currents (LLWBCs) in advecti
ng well-ventilated (with respect to atmospheric gases), higher-latitud
e waters varies with density. At densities <26.5 sigma(theta) the Mind
anao Current (MC) (Wyrtki, 1961; Masuzawa, 1969) advects recently vent
ilated water observed as tracer maxima predominantly from the North Pa
cific subtropical gyre (tropical water is <3 years old and the remnant
subtropical mode water is <5 years); it branches into the southern Ce
lebes Sea feeding the Indonesian throughflow and toward the east north
of the equator. Between 26.5 and 26.8 sigma(theta) the MC advects pre
dominantly North Pacific Intermediate Water (having a component that i
s <20 years old) mainly into the southern Celebes Sea; there is also s
ome indication of a tracer maximum extending eastward north of the equ
ator. However, below 26.8 sigma(theta), South Pacific water masses app
ear to be stronger, so that they are the major ventilation source for
the western equatorial region, including the Celebes Sea. At 27.2 sigm
a(theta) the New Guinea Coastal Undercurrent advects Antarctic Interme
diate Water (having a component that is <25 years) into a background o
f older water. The presence of subtropical mode water in the western t
ropical North Pacific and Celebes Sea is attributed to an equatorward
LLWBC in the North Pacific (and suggests a reason for the absence of 1
8 degrees water in the tropical North Atlantic). The absence of a LLWB
C in the North Atlantic highlights a basic difference between the circ
ulation of the two oceans, which may be due to the different ways they
import and export water. At the western boundary in the North Atlanti
c, warm water is imported and cold water is exported as part of the gl
obal thermohaline circulation, whereas at the western boundary in the
North Pacific, warm water (above 26.8 sigma(theta)) is mainly exported
to the Indian Ocean via the Indonesian throughflow and cold water is