Delamination of a cross-ply 0/90 glass fibre-reinforced composite lami
nate with an epoxy-phenol matrix was studied using a double cantilever
beam test. Fracture toughness was determined by measurement of bend a
ngle of the cantilever beams. Results obtained with this method were i
n agreement with those from conventional compliance and area methods.
Two different fracture modes were observed: interlaminar and intralami
nar. In the interlaminar fracture mode, crack jumps in the space betwe
en two neighbouring 0-degree and 90-degrees plies were observed. With
the interlaminar fracture mode, during crack initiation G(IC) decrease
d with crack length. Intralaminar fracture mode consisted of the gradu
al growth of a crack through a 0-degree ply. Fibres bridging the oppos
ite sides of the crack were observed in this case, and fracture toughn
ess G(Ic) did not change with crack length. G(Ic) (420 J m-2) at intra
laminar fracture mode was approximately twice that at interlaminar fra
cture mode (220 J m-2). The difference in fracture toughness was expla
ined by the dissipation of energy by fibres bridging the opposite side
s of the crack at intralaminar fracture mode.