C-11-labelled hexane was produced via a two-temperature surface reacti
on involving I-pentene and (CO)-C-11 over two different catalysts: 5%R
u/SiO2 and 5.3%Ru-0.7%V/SiO2. Fragmentation of 1-pentene followed by r
ecombination of these fragments also resulted in the formation of othe
r labelled products from C-1-C-5. The selectivity towards labelled n-h
exane production was found to be dependent on the CO adsorption temper
ature and on the quantity of CO adsorbed. There was an observed increa
se in the activation energy for the coupling reaction with the promoti
on of the Ru catalyst with V. A difference in the n-/iso-ratio between
labelled and non-labelled products provided evidence for the existenc
e of different reaction pathways leading to the formation of iso-hexan
e and n-hexane.