Olfactory and trigeminal sensitivities to vapor-phase nicotine were as
sessed by using psychophysical studies with normal and anosmic human s
ubjects and using electrophysiological studies with rats and pigeons.
This work showed that 1) psychophysical estimates of sensitivity are a
pproximately tenfold higher (i.e., lower thresholds) than those based
on neural recordings, with both techniques demonstrating greater olfac
tory than trigeminal sensitivity for nicotine and other compounds; 2)
for both chemosensory inputs, sensitivity to nicotine is at least 30-f
old greater than that to several other compounds; 3) human subjects ca
n discriminate qualitatively between the S-(-) and the R-(-) stereoiso
mers of nicotine, although the relative importance of olfactory and tr
igeminal inputs in this discriminative ability is unclear; and 4) trig
eminal nerve responses in rats show similar thresholds for S-(-)- and
R-(+)-nicotine but show lower suprathreshold responses to the R-(+) st
ereoisomer. The olfactory epithelium and trigeminal ganglion exhibit h
igh-affinity binding of S-(-)-nicotine. In addition, reverse transcrip
tase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) studies have shown that many o
f the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunits found in other
parts of the nervous system are present in the olfactory epithelium a
nd bulb and in the trigeminal ganglion. Collectively, these findings s
uggest that two or more of the types of nAChRs identified in other par
ts of the nervous system may serve as receptor proteins that bind nico
tine-like odorants or irritants. Investigation of the pharmacology of
chemosensory responses to nicotine may help to establish causal links
between specific receptor proteins and the perception of odor and irri
tation. (C) 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.