The flagellin genes from six Borrelia species were cloned, sequenced a
nd characterized at the molecular level. The flagellin genes of two re
lapsing fever Borrelia species, B. hermsii and B. crocidurae, three Ly
me disease genomic species, B. burgdorferi, B. afzelii and B. garinii,
and the avian borreliosis agent, B. anserina, were compared and showe
d an 85-93 % sequence identity to each other. Comparison of the fla ge
nes from the different Lyme borreliosis spirochaetes revealed that the
y were 94-99 % identical. Nucleotide sequencing of the fla gene and pr
imer extension on isolated mRNA from both B. hermsii (as transcribed i
n Escherichia coli) and B. burgdorferi (as transcribed in the natural
host) identified the putative transcriptional start points, the riboso
me binding sites and the promoter regions of these genes. The deduced
promoter of the Borrelia flagellin gene resembled neither the sigma(70
) promoter of prokaryotes, as seen for the genes for the outer-surface
proteins A and B in Lyme disease Borrelia and the genes for the varia
ble major proteins 7 and 21 of a. hermsii, nor the sigma(28) consensus
promoter region of motility genes from other bacteria. Instead, the p
romoter of the fla gene in Borrelia has most similarity to the bacteri
ophage SPO1 sigma(gp33-34) promoter sequence of Bacillus subtilis.