On January 17, 1976, the first 4ESS(TM) switch was placed into service
, culminating the single largest switch development ever undertaken in
the Bell System until that time. When it was introduced, the 4ESS swi
tch was the largest high-capacity digital switch in existence, capable
of terminating 107,520 trunks and completing over 500,000 calls per h
our. During the next 18 years, the 4ESS switch played a pivotal role i
n enabling the emerging U.S. long distance market to grow into today's
$60 billion industry. The hallmark reliability and capacity of the 4E
SS switch set the standard for digital switching. Since then, neither
technology nor service needs have stood still. Although the classic di
gital switch architecture pioneered by the 4ESS switch has passed the
test of time, every major subsystem within the switch has gone through
one or more technology upgrades to accept new features and reduce cos
ts. This paper describes the evolution of the 4ESS switch, how our cus
tomers' investment has been protected, and how new features have been
added by selectively upgrading 4ESS switch subsystems.