As part of a programme to develop a CO2 laser for space-based wind mea
surement applications, the Hirst Research Centre e has optimized the p
erformance of an e-beam sustained CO2 laser. The electrical-to-optical
efficiency has been experimentally measured whilst varying operating
parameters. The various trends observed are compared with theoretical
predictions obtained using a 5-level CO2 laser model, with goon agreem
ent in most areas. A set of optimum conditions is established resultin
g in a multimode laser head efficiency of over 17%. It is expected tha
t a corresponding single-mode laser head efficiency of 10% will be ach
ievable under the optimized conditions using con ect optics, and at le
ast 8% single-mode laser head and electron gun efficiency. The goal of
a 5% transmitter sub-system efficiency should therefore be attainable