We study the Josephson current through a one-dimensional quantum wire
or a ring connected to two superconductors by tunnel junctions (S-Sc-S
system). The Coulomb interaction is treated by means of the Luttinger
model and Haldane's concept of topological excitations. The Josephson
current I-c is found to be exponentially suppressed by the Coulomb in
teraction, I-c proportional to d(-2/gp), where d is the distance betwe
en the junctions and g(p) is the usual parameter for the interaction s
trength in the Luttinger model. If the Luttinger liquid has a ring geo
metry, the Josephson current is sensitive to the number of electrons N
module 4. The number of electrons can be controlled by a gate voltage
and by a magnetic flux threading the ring. The Josephson current show
s a periodic, quasicontinuous dependence on the gate voltage. The peri
od corresponds to the addition of four electrons to the system. The fl
ux dependence of the Josephson current has a stepwise form and shows h
/e periodicity. The jumps are associated with the change in electron n
umber. For strong interaction the number of electrons in the ring and
consequently the Josephson current do not depend on the flux for virtu
ally all values of the gate voltage.