Visibility has been obtained from spectral extinction coefficients mea
sured with the University of Vienna Telephotometer or size distributio
ns determined with an Aerosol Spectrometer. By measuring the extinctio
n coefficient in different directions, possible influences of local so
urces could be determined easily. A region, undisturbed by local sourc
es usually had a variation of extinction coefficient of less than 10%
in different directions. Generally good visibility outside population
centers in Europe is considered as 40-50 km. These values have been fo
und independent of the location in central Europe, thus this represent
s the average European ''clean'' air. Under rare occasions (normally r
apid change of air mass) the visibility can be 100-150 km. In towns, t
he visibility is a factor of approximately 2 lower. In comparison to t
his the visibility in remote regions of North and South America is lar
ger by a factor of 2-4. Obviously the lower visibility in Europe is ca
used by its higher population density. Since the majority of visibilit
y reducing particulate emissions come from small sources such as cars
or heating, the emissions per unit area can be considered proportional
to the population density. Using a simple box model and the visibilit
y measured in central Europe and in Vienna, the difference in visibili
ty inside and outside the town can be explained quantitatively. It thu
s is confirmed, that the generally low visibility in central Europe is
a consequence of the emissions in connection with human activities an
d the low visibility (compared, e.g. to North or South America) in rem
ote location such as the Alps is caused by the average European pollut