The upper limit of vulnerability (ULV) is the strength at or above whi
ch VF is not induced when a stimulus is delivered during the vulnerabl
e phase of the cardiac cycle. Previous studies have demonstrated a sta
tistically significant correlation between the ULV and the defibrillat
ion threshold (DFT) in groups of patients. However, the correlation be
tween ULV and DFT may not be close in individual patients. This imperf
ect correlation may be due to physiological factors or to limitations
of the measurement methods. The reproducibility of either DFT or ULV h
as not been studied critically. The purpose of this study was to compa
re the reproducibility of clinically applicable methods for determinat
ion of DFT and ULV. We prospectively studied 25 patients with a transv
enous implantable cardioverter defibrillator (Medtronic 7219D) at post
operative electrophysiological study. DFT was defined as the lowest en
ergy that defibrillated after 10 seconds of VF. The ULV was defined as
the lowest energy that did not in du ce VF with three shocks at 0, 20
, and 40 ms before the peak of the T wave in ventricular paced rhythm
at a cycle length of 500 ms. Both the DFT and the ULV were determined
twice for biphasic pulses using a three-step, midpoint protocol. There
was no significant difference between the two determinations of DFT (
10.1 +/- 5.9 J vs 10.4 +/- 5.8 J), the two determinations of ULV (13.4
+/- 6.8 J vs 13.8 +/- 6.6) or the DFT-ULV Pearson correlation coeffic
ients for each determination (0.8, P < 0.001, vs < 0.001). to analyze
reproducibility, Lin concordance coefficients for second determination
versus first determination were constructed for both ULV and DFT This
coefficient is similar to the Pearson correlation coefficient, but me
asures closeness to the line of identity rather than the line of regre
ssion. The Lin concordance coefficient for ULV was higher than that fo
r DFT (0.93, 95% CI 0.85-0.47 vs. 0.64, 95% CI 0.33-0.82; P < 0.01) Fo
r paired comparison of defibrillation efficacy under different experim
ental conditions, the sample sizes required to detect differences of 2
J, 3 J, and 4 J (80% power, P < 0.05) were 52, 24, and 15 for DFT ver
sus 25, 8, and 6 for ULV. We conclude that a simple, clinically applic
able method for determination of ULV is more reproducible than the sin
gle point DFT. Measured correlations between the ULV and single point
are limited by the reproducibility of the DFT measurement.