To test the widely during ventricular arrhythmia are caused by a reduc
ed cerebral blood supply, we examined the effects of single and multip
le ectopic ventricular beats (or ventricular tachycardia of short dura
tion) on the cerebral microcirculation. Six anaesthetized cats were us
ed. Ectopic ventricular systoles of various sequences were produced by
electrically stimulating the ventricle through a for 1 to 50 times at
a rate of 300/min. The local cerebral blood volume (CBV) and blood fl
ow (CBFLD) in the cortex were measured continuously employing the phot
oelectric and laser Doppler methods. CBV reflects the cumulative dimen
sions of the cerebrocortical microvessels. Ectopic ventricular contrac
tions, as confirmed by electrocardiograms, always reduced the CBV and
arterial blood pressure in a total of 104 attempts. The CBV reductions
ranged from 0.20 +/- 0.03 vol% for a single ectopic beat to approxima
tely 0.6-0.8 vol% for runs of 8 or more beats. The CBFLD reductions me
asured with the laser Doppler flowmeter were 10-35%. The reductions in
CBV and CBFLD during the ventricular arrhythmia could be attributed t
o the abrupt and marked reductions in arterial blood pressure. Runs of
ectopic the cerebral microcirculation, whether clinically apparent or