We have observed clear arrays of closure domains at internal and exter
nal boundaries, such as crystal edges, cracks, and chemically altered
regions, in a single crystal of magnetite, using the Bitter colloid te
chnique with a {110} viewing plane, The common occurrence of closure d
omains in magnetite confirms the controlling role of magnetostatic ene
rgy in determining domain structures in strongly magnetic materials, f
irst postulated by Landau and Lifschitz (1935). Closure domains also r
econcile a long-standing discrepancy between the numbers of body domai
ns observed in magnetite and the numbers predicted, which we show are
much reduced when closure domains are taken into account. We verify ex
perimentally that closure domains change their shape and internal stru
cture depending on the crystallographic orientation of the boundary at
which they form. When the boundary intersects the {110} viewing plane
along a <111> easy axis, for example, at favorably oriented internal
boundaries or cracks, the closure domains are asymmetric in shape and
are bounded by 71 degrees and 109 degrees walls. However, when the bou
ndary is a {111} crystal face, containing no <111> easy axis, the clos
ure domains are symmetric in form and bounded by approximate to 90 deg
rees walls. Closure domains of this latter type collect colloid densel
y along one of the two bounding walls, suggesting concentrations of ma
gnetic poles, and the two walls are at angles of 70 degrees-80 degrees
to each other, rather than the expected 90 degrees. Several possible
models are proposed to explain this behavior. Our study shows that int
ernal domain structures in magnetite are relatively simple. Much more
complicated structures appear on viewing surfaces that do not contain
two sets of <111> easy axes. The lack of orientation of the viewing su
rface in most previous studies may account for the reported rarity of
closure domains in magnetite. Closure domain arrays forming at the mar
gin of a chemically altered area are the first reported evidence for a
direct link between chemical alteration and domain structures that co
uld result in remagnetization.