Sarcomas seldom metastasize to the skin. This report describes a rare
instance of this phenomenon. A 24-year-old patient with a history of o
steosarcoma (osteoblastic type) of the right humerus was seen with a c
utaneous nodule on the left temple. Histologic examination of the skin
showed the lesion to be a metastatic osteosarcoma. On histologic exam
ination, a proliferation of bizarre mononucleated or multinucleated os
teoblastic cells was noted in the dermis and subcutis. Although osteoi
d formation and calcification were not recognized, as they had been in
contrast to the primary lesion, basic structures and components of th
e skin lesion were identical to those of the primary tumor tissue. Cut
aneous metastasis from an osteosarcoma of bone is an extraordinarily r
are event and, as far as we can determine, has only been reported thre
e times.