An analytical investigation and conceptual design of a disk-shaped asy
mmetric heat pipe is presented in this work. Using the conservative fo
rmulations for the steady incompressible vapor and liquid flow for a d
isk-shaped heat pipe, an in-depth integral analysis is applied. Analyt
ical results for the asymmetric vapor velocity profile, the vapor and
liquid pressure distributions, and the vapor temperature distribution
in the heat pipe are obtained and compared to those of rectangular fla
t-plate heat pipe. The analysis establishes the physics of the process
and the intrawick interactions for the disk-shaped heat pipe. The eff
ects of variations in the thicknesses of the vapor channel and the wic
k as well as the heat pipe on the performance of both disk-shaped and
rectangular flat-plate heat pipes are analyzed in detail and compared
with each other. The factors limiting heat pipe performance are discus
sed and the results show that the disk-shaped heat pipe, while utilizi
ng a smaller surface area and being more adaptable to several applicat
ion areas, significantly increases the heat transfer capability per un
it surface area compared to rectangular flat-plate heat pipe.