Whether deformation of continents is more accurately described by the
motions of a few small rigid plates or by quasi-continuous flow has im
portant implications for lithospheric dynamics, fault mechanics, and e
arthquake hazard assessment. Actively deforming regions of the western
United States, central Asia, Japan, and New Zealand show features tha
t argue for both styles of movement, but new observations are necessar
y to determine which is most appropriate:and at what scale the descrip
tion applies. Geologic, geodetic, seismic, and paleomagnetic measureme
nts tend to sample complementary aspects of the deformation field, so
an integrated observation program can utilize the strengths of each me
thod and overcome their separate spatial or temporal biases. Provided
the total relative motion across each region is known and the distribu
tion of active faults is well mapped, determination of fault slip rate
s can provide potentially decisive constraints. Reconnaissance geologi
cal studies supply useful slip rate estimates, but precise values depe
nd upon detailed intensive investigation of individual sites. Geodetic
survey measurements can determine the spatial pattern of contemporary
movements and extract slip rate information, but the sometimes elusiv
e effects of cyclic elastic strain buildup and relief must be accounte
d for in relating current movements to the long-term deformation patte
rn. Earthquake catalogs can be applied to determine seismic strain rat
es and relative velocities but must be averaged over large regions and
are usually limited by the inadequate duration of historical;or instr
umental seismicity catalogs. Paleomagnetic determinations of vertical
axis rotations provide estimates of block rotation rates hut are often
locally variable and averaged over many millions of years. Which of t
he two descriptions of continental tectonics is more nearly correct de
pends on the local rheological stratification of the lithosphere, espe
cially the strength and thickness of the elastic crust relative to the
ductile lithosphere, and dynamical models can provide contrasting for
ecasts of observable features with testable consequences.