Ion drift meter observations from the Atmosphere Explorer E satellite
during the period of January 1977 to December 1979 are used to study t
he dependence of equatorial (dip latitudes less than or equal to 7.5 d
egrees) F region vertical plasma drifts (east-west electric fields) on
solar activity, season, and longitude. The satellite-observed ion dri
fts show large day-to-day and seasonal variations. Solar cycle effects
are most pronounced near the dusk sector with a large increase of the
prereversal velocity enhancement from solar minimum to maximum. The d
iurnal, seasonal, and solar cycle dependence of the longitudinally ave
raged drifts are consistent with results from the Jicamarca radar exce
pt near the June solstice when the AE-E nighttime downward velocities
are significantly smaller than those observed by the radar. Pronounced
presunrise downward drift enhancements are often observed over a larg
e longitudinal range but not in the Peruvian equatorial region. The sa
tellite data indicate that longitudinal variations are largest near th
e June solstice, particularly near dawn and dusk but are virtually abs
ent during equinox. The longitudinal dependence of the AE-E vertical d
rifts is consistent with results from ionosonde data. These measuremen
ts were also used to develop a description of equatorial F region vert
ical drifts in four longitudinal sectors.