The coordination environment around Ni at minor concentration levels (
2 wt% NiO) in Na2Si2O5 glass and melt has been investigated by high te
mperature (293-1250 K) X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectros
copy. The derived average anharmonic Ni-O distances for the glass at 2
93 K and the melt above 1150 K are 1.99 (1) and 1.97 (1)Angstrom, resp
ectively. The Ni-O distance in the glass is consistent with a mixture
of Ni-IV and Ni-V, whereas that in the melt is consistent with dominan
tly Ni-IV. The significant reorganization of the melt during quenching
may help explain the enrichment of Ni in, early-formed igneous minera
ls. These data also suggest the possibility of a pressure-induced coor
dination change around Ni, which may influence significantly the geoch
emical modeling of the Earth.