We develop a model relating mid-ocean ridge normal faulting and crusta
l structure by examining recently available high-resolution gravity an
d multibeam bathymetric data of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and other sprea
ding centers. Results of the analysis reveal a consistent pattern of p
ositive residual gravity anomalies along the crust paralleling all maj
or Atlantic offsets studied, especially along the inside corner side o
f the offsets. Individual residual gravity anomaly spikes (local peaks
), which have amplitudes of up to 20 mGal and typical across-axis spac
ing of 10-30 km, often coincide with individual major fault scarps, su
ggesting crust thinned by normal faulting. Theoretical calculations in
dicate that the amplitude and spacing of the observed residual gravity
spikes are consistent with the presence of successive, ridge-parallel
low-angle faults that originate episodically at inside corners of rid
ge offset intersections. Fault scarp heights and the amounts of crusta
l thinning (as inferred from gravity anomalies) are consistently large
r at inside corners than at outside corners, supporting a model in whi
ch tectonic extension near ridge offsets is asymmetric with low-angle
faults occurring preferentially at inside corners. These results on sp
atial variations in seafloor morphology and gravity anomalies further
support a three-dimensional tectonic faulting model at oceanic spreadi
ng centers with three major characteristics: (1) Low-angle faults form
preferentially at inside corners, where the mantle lithosphere is the
strongest and the lithospheric plates are sufficiently decoupled acro
ss ridge axis offsets; (2) low-angle faults decrease in throw toward m
idpoints of long ridge segments, where large low-angle faults may not
be sustained by a weak lithosphere; and (3) the residual gravity peaks
are statistically larger at transform than near nontransform offsets,
indicating that the length of a ridge offset and its tectonic style c
ontrol the development of low-angle faults.