Lm. Gonzalez et al., A NOTE ON HATCHING RESULTS OF NORMAL HENS (NANA) CROSSED WITH HETEROZYGOTE (NANA) NAKED NECK HEAVY COCKS, Cuban journal of agricultural science, 28(1), 1994, pp. 91-94
3662 eggs distributed in six plots during the hatching period was carr
ied out for 22 days with the objective of studying the hatching perfor
mance of normal(nana) hens with heterozigote (Nana) naked neck cocks.
The number of chicks per genotype, dead embryos, non-pecked eggs and n
on-hatchable pecked eggs were studied. A proportion analysis (x(2)) of
the measurements studied was conducted. No differences of number born
alive per genotype (38.9 and 37.2%) for Nana and nana genotypes were
found and non-pecked eggs and dead chickens were higher for the hetero
zygotic genotype 4.41 vs 2.53% and 4.34 vs 2.50%, respectively. This c
rossbred type could be used when similar percentages of Nana and nana
chickens are desired.