The issue of indeterminacy in the factor analysis model has been the s
ource of a lengthy and on-going debate. This debate can be seen as fea
turing two relevant interpretations of indeterminacy. The alternative
solution position considers the latent common factor to be a random va
riate whose properties are determined by functional constraints inhere
nt in the model. When the model fits the data, an infinity of random v
ariates are criterially latent common factors to the set of manifest v
ariates analyzed. The posterior moment position considers the latent c
ommon factor to be a single random entity with a non-point posterior d
istribution, given the manifest variables. It is argued here that: (a)
The issue of indeterminacy centres on the criterion for the claim ''X
is a latent common factor to Y''; (b) the alternative solution positi
on is correct, the posterior moment position representing a conflation
of the criterion, which is provided by the equations of the model, wi
th metaphors, analogies, and senses of ''factor'' that are external to
the model. A number of implications for applied work involving factor
analysis are discussed.