Two classic theories of direction vision, one by Hering, the other by
Wells, are expressed in mathematical form and compared. The Hering dis
parity field differs considerably from the Wells disparity field, but
if both are scaled for the change of acuity with eccentricity their di
fferences are much more subtle. This explains why it is hard to determ
ine which theory predicts direction perception best, although the test
s favour Hering's theory. It is proved that Wells's construction (his
rule 3) follows directly from his first two rules and Aguillonius's as
sumption that the horopter in the fixation plane is a frontoparallel l
ine. Wells's theory is clearly outdated and does not mesh well with mo
dern three-dimensional geometry of binocular vision, which Hering's th
eory does. Moreover, Wells inextricably mixes distance and direction v
ision right from the start, whereas Hering properly treats the two-dim
ensional manifold of directions and the depth-gauging principles separ
ately. The use of terms such as 'Wells-Hering' rules should be discour
aged and both Wells and Hering should be remembered separately for the
ir clearly distinct and independent contributions. The work of Hering
is still relevant to modern theory and praxis of binocular vision. The
extension of Hering's approach to vertical disparities is treated for
stimuli in frontoparallel planes. It is shown that acuity-scaled vert
ical-disparity information sampled at a single glance is below resolut
ion beyond about arm's length. It can only be used if eye movements ar
e allowed. Throughout, the simplest derivations of the geometrical rel
ations that it was possible to find are given, so that the review of b
inocular geometry might also be of some didactical use. Finally it is
indicated in which direction it might be necessary to modernise the co
ncept of binocular correspondence.